odablock series

Team Cancelled GHCIM - Full Series (Part 1)

My Wife allows me to Stream longer...

My Wife Gets Her First Kill in the Wilderness


Team Cancelled GHCIM - Full Series (Part 2)

Meet The Man Responsible For My Baldness

PKing Master to Grandmaster [GM EP1]

Strangest Runescape Bug I've Ever Seen

This is why Korasi is BROKEN

Can I get a Bond in 2 Hours Starting with 10k?

The Disgusting Corruption Within Jagex

RS3 VS OSRS... which is better?

Alfie Self Exposed His Runescape Past

Tanking a hit from Jad on my Hardcore...

PKing with the New Halberd on a 1 Def Pure

10K to 500M Challenge on a 1 Defence Pure [PART 1]

How I made 7,000,000,000 GP in 1 day of PKing...

Oda The Generous Strikes Again

I Actually Grew Up

This PK Account was made Purely to Flex

Sailing is Looking Crazy Already...

What Really Happened to my Last Ironman

Turning a Ring of Recoil into 3M in 10 seconds

10k to 1B in 4 Hour Challenge on a 1 Def Pure [PART 1]